Either if they’re intermediated by an escort agency or they are independent female escort, the female escorts provide sexual services and company in exchange for remuneration.
They usually promote their services in small advertising in magazines or on the Internet.
The high priced female escorts are usually a woman with university studies that, besides an impeccable look, have great social skills and often a solid cultural knowledge. The most expensive ones have prices not only per hour or per night, but per week or months; their clients require their services for social events, vacations, or even ask for their company for when they’re leaving the country for business trips.
Their clients are very wealthy men, public figures or busy businessman, among them there are regular clients or only one time clients, but all of them have a thing in common: they’re demanding total discretion.
We’ve all heard over the years of lots of celebrities or politicians that ruined their career after being exposed in some public disclosures made by some escorts looking for fame.
The reasons behind using an luxury escort service are various: the lack of
time for relationships, all sorts of social etiquettes that requires a
plus one for some events, the need for satisfying some fantasies, the
routines that come in most of the sexual life as a married couple,
the need for a more intense sexual life- all of them makes the escort business a very profitable one.
Because, no matter the reasons, in our days the escort services can be
looked up as entrepreneurial activities.